Seus membros são:
Steve Rowe (baixo e vocal)
Mick Jelinic (guitarra)
Adam Zaffarese (bateria)
Josh Rivero (guitarra principal)
- 1990 - Break The Curse
- 1991 - Mortification
- 1992 - Scrolls of the Megilloth
- 1993 - Post Momentary Affliction
- 1993 - Live Planetarium
- 1994 - Blood World
- 1995 - Primitive Rhythm Machine
- 1996 - The Best of Five Years
- 1996 - EnVision EvAngelene
- 1996 - Modification - A Tribute to Steve Rowe and Mortification
- 1996 - Noah Sat Down & Listened to the Mortification - Live EP While Having a Coffee
- 1996 - Live Without Fear
- 1998 - Triumph of Mercy
- 1999 - Hammer of God
- 2000 - Ten Years Live Not Dead
- 2001 - The Silver Cord is Severed
- 2002 - Ten Years: 1990 - 2000 Power, Pain and Passion
- 2002 - Relentless
- 2004 - Brain Cleaner
- 2006 - Erasing The Globin
- 2007 - Live Humanitarian
- 2009 - The Evil Addiction Destroying Machine
- 2010 - Break the course (relançamento)
GOD is very good!!!